Puppy Mills MUST STOP!

          My goal is to have 1million signatures to make Puppy Mills and Kitty Mills illegal in the U.S.  I need to start somewhere but I need your help to make this possible.  I feel that if I had that many signatures, it will shed more light as to what's happening in our country and MAYBE just MAYBE something can be DONE.  This MUST STOP AND PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHAT REALLY HAPPENS TO THESE ANIMALS.

          If you have an animal look at him/her.  Now picture them having horrific wounds to their body, not eating for so long that some die of starvation, having injuries that haven't been treated, and picture them being in crates so small they can't even sit up.

          We are their voices and WE need to do something.  I know some people are going to think it's impossible to try to make this a law, but just imagine if it happened.  Please, I can't do this on my own.  Help make a difference in the lives that can't help themselves.


...Please Help
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