Designate October 20th as National Reuse Day!

  • por: Reuse Alliance
  • destinatário: Senator Barbara Boxer, and fellow members of the US Senate Committee on the Environment

Reuse Alliance needs your support to garner the official designation of October 20th of each year as "National Reuse Day".

The purpose of National Reuse Day will be to promote the social, environmental and economic benefits of reuse and encourage more people to join the movement toward a cleaner environment and greener economy.

National Reuse Day will be the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to buy, use or donate reusable, reclaimed and remanufactured products. Having a national day will help encourage millions of Americans to improve their reuse habits at home, school and work.

Through National Reuse Day, the Reuse Alliance will support local communities and raise awareness by educating citizens about the benefits of reuse. We hope that on every October 20th everyone will become better informed about the importance of reuse.

For more information, go to:

The world is looking to the United States of America to take immediate measures to stop the climate crisis in its tracks. I urge you to show leadership in this crisis and encourage the use of existing tools that can help curb greenhouse gas emissions right now. One of the simplest ways to do this is by supporting reuse.

By taking useful products and exchanging them, reuse helps us save time, money, energy and resources. In broader economic terms, reuse offers quality products to people and organizations with limited means, while providing meaningful jobs and business activity that contributes to the economy. In terms environmental impacts, reuse decreases energy consumption, reduces GHG emissions, and conserves natural and man-made resources.

I hope you will help support reuse by establishing National Reuse Day on October 20th of each year. The purpose of National Reuse Day will be to promote the social, environmental and economic benefits of reuse and encourage more people to join the movement toward creating a cleaner environment and a greener economy.

National Reuse Day will be the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to buy, use or donate reusable, reclaimed and remanufactured products. Having a national day will help encourage millions of Americans to improve their reuse habits at home, school and work.

Through National Reuse Day, Reuse Alliance will be able to support local communities and raise awareness by educating citizens about the benefits of reuse. We hope that on every October 20th everyone will become better informed about the importance of reuse.

Please take swift action to lead the nation in the effort to conserve our resources and curb our GHG emissions through reuse - make October 20th of every year National Reuse Day!  

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