Microplastics Are Now in Human Testicles. It's Time for Clean Water, Now!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Environmental Protection Agency

Microplastics have invaded human testicles, and the situation is as bad as it sounds. Studies have uncovered these tiny pollutants not just in our oceans and soils but inside men's bodies, possibly leading to dropping sperm counts. And yes, our beloved dogs are affected too – every tested sample from both humans and dogs contained these unwelcome invaders. The question isn't just about fertility; it's about our overall health and our pets' health too.

Demand the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invest in advanced federal water filtration systems to eliminate microplastics from our water supply!

With microplastics also found in human blood, placentas, and breast milk, their pervasive threat to health cannot be overstated. These particles can cause inflammation or release harmful chemicals, and recent studies associate them with increased risks of stroke, heart attacks, and even premature death.

With the evidence mounting against these pervasive pollutants, we can't afford to wait until the effects are irreversible. The EPA must prioritize our health and act swiftly to filter out these dangerous particles from our water supplies.

Sign this petition to urge the EPA to protect Americans by investing in robust federal water filtration systems!

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