Demand that Ally McBeagle Stay In Her Home!

Ally McBeagle was fostered from Operation Paws for Home in Virginia. On the first day at the dog park, Ally McBeagle had to be picked up because she was too scared to enter. Gina, an experienced Beagle owner with one of her own (Gigi), met Ally and fell in love. Daily, she went to the park to spend time with Ally. Ally wouldn't leave Gina's side and sunbathed along side Gina's beagle.

Gina quickly put in an application for Ally. At OPH, you can put in a generic application for any dog or a specific dog application so Gina put in a specific application, letting the rescue know that she and Ally had become bonded. The foster mom told the rescue about Gina and the rescue even posted a picture of Ally and Gina's other beagle, Gigi, to Ally's adoption page.

Then, Gina got horrible news. The rescue was going to give Ally to another family who had applied for adoption first. However, the family had applied for a generic adoption for ANY dog at the rescue...not Ally specifically. In fact, this family had yet to meet Ally at all! Gina begged the rescue to reconsider and the experienced foster mom told the rescue that they were making the wrong decision. This other family was looking for an energetic dog for their 13-year-old son, which didn't match with Ally's quiet demeanor. This family did not have a yard at all while Gina had a private dog park that Ally was socialized to. The rescue instead offered Gina 'any other dog' and argued that giving a dog the quickest home was better than the best fit, even though Ally wouldn't go to the either home until after her heartworm treatments ended in August.

Gina has to give Ally up unless we can get people together to fight for Ally's right to stay in the place that has become her home.

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