Stop Winnetka's Park Board from Paving Paradise to Put up a Parking Lot!!!

In an era of rising concern about climate change, why is the Winnetka Park District's Board implementing its current plan that would literally pave paradise to put up a parking lot?

The Village of Winnetka and Winnetka Park District worked diligently to reach a 2016 mandate from the public for the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Plan.  The Plan as it was written reflects the consensus among all concerned and includes its concept drawing depicting minimal improvements in the Tower Road Park, on the bluff, its tabletop as well as on the beach. The mandate requires preservation, not desecration!  See page 153 of the full report @

Join us to hold the Park District to its public mandate to remain a steward of our environment and preserve this refuge of natural beauty with its majestic views of Lake Michigan.  

The current proposal would forever change the nature of the park and cause irreparable harm.  To expand recreation activities on the Tower Road Park bluff merely for the sake of adding programs and possibly a little for revenue objectives abuses the will of the people.  

Support improvements to the stairway, but say no to expansion of the existing parking lot or recreational activities that would destroy the natural peaceful character of the table top and compromise the bluff itself.  Sign this petition and raise your voice to save the Tower Road Park Bluff!

SHOW UP! STAND UP! SPEAK UP! to support this cause at the next Winnetka Park Board Meeting on Thursday, November 21st at 5:30pm at 540 Hibbard Rd, Winnetka (enter the last small door nearest the Northwest corner of the parking lot if the main front doors to the East along the soccer fields is locked).

Atualização #15 anos atrás
The Winnetka Park District's contemplated plans to implement the Winnetka 2030 Lake Shore Plan are now out for bid. Initial work in Tower Road Park is designed to help restore the bluff without immediate construction of additional parking or adventure trails in the coming months, however, the conceptual plan approved still contain those other "improvements' and may be performed in additional phases at a late date. Let the board know you would prefer to eliminate those elements now.
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