Tell Elon Musk: don't let Trump back on Twitter!

Tesla CEO and the wealthiest right wing troll in the world, Elon Musk, is now in charge of Twitter.

He has made clear that he plans to use "free speech" as a cover for allowing the platform to become a breeding ground for harassment, disinformation, and the incitement of violence. Such a virtual hellscape would not be complete without the inclusion of Donald Trump, and Musk has made no secret of his desire to see the disgraced ex-president return to the platform.

Demand Elon Musk keep Donald Trump off Twitter!

Trump was rightfully kicked off of Twitter for promoting election misinformation and glorifying violence in the wake of the January 6th attack on the Capitol by his supporters.

Before that, he routinely incited violence against Muslim members of Congress, leading to a constant stream of death threats. Donald Trump is an existential threat to the American public and needs to be kept far away from social media platforms people actually use.

Tell Elon Musk: don't let Trump back on Twitter!

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