Ban pangolin meat

Pangolins are quickly been eaten to extinction. It is the most traded mammal species in the world. In Asia, pangolins are a luxuries cuisine and they often fall victim to poachers who trade them with restraunts in Vietnam and China for a large sum of money.

In the IUCN Red list, all 8 species of pangolins have recently become classed as 'Threatened' from 'Least concern'. Pangolins are being poached a 1,000 times quicker than tigers and 86 times more than rhino. Pangolins meat has to be banned across the world in order to reduce illegal poaching

Atualização #29 anos atrás
Hi, signatures have reduced substaibsily, could you please share with 10 friends

Could you ALL please sign the following petition. The information is on the link. This is an emergency and I need to get to 1 million signatures by next Saturday, so could you all please sign and share.

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Atualização #19 anos atrás
Please share. Try and get 8 friends to sign it and tell them to share. The more signatures we get, the better. Thanks for signing.
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