Investigate! Prosecute!

We the people of the United States of America; in full recognition that from President Obama to the Dogcatcher of the Smallest town all are 'Elected Public Servants' granted their positions by our work, our money and our votes to serve our public good, we are due their full accountability and best service for our common-weal; not partisan peal, nor corporate greed, nor lobbyist's need, nor church's creed; in order to protect and defend our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, our rule of law, our civil rights and liberties, our ethics, and our selr-respect and dignity, do demand that our 'Elected Public Servants' and their appointed staff and advisors begin full independent criminal investigations and prosecutions of all members of both administrations of ex-President George W. Bush and ex-Vice-President Dick Cheney.  Including but not limited to ex-President George W. Bush, ex-Vice-President Dick Cheney, Cabinet members, the Directors of all Intelligence Agencies, and all of their staff and advisors for suborning their Oaths of Office, criminal violations of the Constitution of the United States, criminal violations of the laws of the United States, war crimes, crimes against humanity, gross criminal negligence, abuse of power, and criminal violations of the Treaties and Accords to which the UnitedStates is both co-author and signatory; in particular crimes for which the United States has already prosecuted it's own citizens and the citizens of other nations.  Bearing full in mind that 'Just following orders' even ones legitimized and legalized was not a 'Get out of jail free card' for subordinates, nor the lawyers legally justifying the crimes nor the judges ruling the crimes to not be crimes when tried at Nuremburg, they were all investigated, prosecuted and convited as warranted as they still are to this day!  The dangers inherent in the legal precedent set by not investigating and not prosecuting are just ot great! Our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, our laws and our civil rights will become pliant trasient commodities! Enough! No more playing politics! Follow the Law!  Enforce the Law! Investigate!  Prosecute!
President Obama you ran on and were elected base on your 'America is a nation of laws with no one above the law'.  It is about time that you begin to act like a man of your word and stop protecting the Bush administrations from the law.  America can not afford the damages done by the legal precedents you are setting by allowing the many crimes of the Bush administration to be above the law particularly with so many public admissions to the crimes and public documents showing thatthe crimes wer committed.
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