Justice for Chunky the Cat

On March 8th, 2015, Chunky was brutally stabbed to death.  Justin Albright, who was visiting the roommate of Chunky's owner, has been arrested and faces felony animal cruelty charges. The goal of this page is to get the message out to the St Croix County DA's office that our community values the lives of our beloved pets and we want to see Justice Served in this case by making sure Justin is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Citizens of St. Croix County and surrounding communities want to let the St Croix County District and Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and the presiding judge know that we love and value our pets. We want and fully expect people who commit animal abuse, neglect, and or crimes against animals to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We are making a call to our judicial system to highlight this case as an example. It's time to show the public how seriously you take these matters!

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