Naming of new lake created by 2013 Redoubt landslide- Luna Lake

May 12, 2013 a large landslide dammed the outlet of Redoubt Stream at the head of Redoubt Lake, a lake about 15 miles from Sitka, AK. Formally a site of a USFS Recreation Cabin, Kevin Knox and Maggie Gallin were staying in the cabin at the time of the slide. Narrowly escaping with their lives, Maggie and Kevin lost their dog Luna in the event.

In the days following the slide a lake was formed behind the debris field and has remained since. In visits to the area since the slide, Kevin, Maggie and other Sitka residents have refered to the lake as Luna Lake, in memory of the lost border collie. USFS crews who visit the area for stream surveys also unofficially refer to the lake as Luna Lake.

Redoubt Lake and Stream is a critical sockeye salmon habitat and a popular recreation area and subsistence zone for Sitka. The lake seems to be remaining in place and has enhanced the rearing and habitat area for the sockeye run present in Redoubt.

An official naming petition is underway with the US Board on Geographic Names. The Alaska Historic Commission has received the application and is now reviewing the merits as well as soliciting input from local entities including the City and Borough of Sitka, Sitka Tribe of Alaska, Sealaska Corporation, and Sealaska Hearitage Institute.

Local resident support is also important in the review and we would be honored to have Sitka residents and others sign the petition in support of naming this new feature in rememberance of Luna.

Thank you.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
Thank you to all who have signed on in support of the Luna Lake naming application. The comments and wisdom mentioned in support have brought tears and joy to us. Recognizing the story of this lake is important to the place. It also heals our hearts.

Please share with your friends. The first public hearing of the petition will be Wednesday November 14th at 6:00pm, Historic Preservation Commission in Sitka. I will present the draft signatures and comments submitted here.
Thank you again.
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