Demand an apology from the Catholic Church for killing millions of cats during the witch-hunt

  • por: Joseph Jordania
  • destinatário: The Head of the Catholic Church, the Pope

During the last few decades Catholic Church issued several dozens of official apologies for their mistakes of the pasts. We all appreciate this. Unfortunately, to this day, the issue of torturing and killing millions of cats during several centuries, known as the “dark age,” has never been raised.

As cats cannot raise this issue, I appeal to all cat lovers to demand from the head of Catholic Church to issue an official apology for the millions of innocent animal lives lost as the result of human ignorance and cruelty.

Your Holiness,

During the last several decades Catholic Church issued several dozens of apologies for the mistakes of the past. We deeply appreciate this. These apologies show the Catholic Church in the best possible light to the millions of people all around the world.

With this petition we would like to raise the issue of another apology, this time for indiscriminate killing of the millions of cats during the so called “dark ages”.

Our human society increasingly cares for the animal well being, and issuing this apology will be a good-will symbolic gesture from the Head of the Catholic Church to all animal lovers and those who want to build a better, more humane society, where animals have their basic rights protected.

With the most sincere good wishes,

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