An Officer Helped Kill Elijah McClain. Now He Has $212,546 and His Police Job Back.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
One of the three officers who played a hand in killing unarmed, 23-year-old Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colorado was just acquitted of murder charges.

And now, this dangerous perpetrator has been placed back on the city's police force. As if that weren't enough, the city has awarded this killer cop a staggering $212,546 in "back pay" from the two years he wasn't working due to the murder trial.

How can someone kill an unarmed, peaceful, animal shelter volunteering Black kid and get rewarded with almost a quarter of a million dollars? As we all know, this story in the U.S. is all too common. That's why the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has a responsibility to open an extensive and thorough investigation.

Sign the petition to demand justice! The DOJ must investigate the murder of Elijah McClain, as well as the Aurora police force for its deadly racism! These killer cops must face consequences!

If we thought this cop - Nathan Woodyard - was dangerous before, one can only imagine how much more dangerous he'll be now. He's already murdered a young kid who had zero weapons on him, who was simply walking home drinking iced tea, and has gotten away with it.

Now he's back. And who can say how angry and vengeful he'll be? Yet we can bet he'll feel empowered, immune, and unstoppable. This is a terrifying combination. What's to stop him from doing this again?

On the night of August 24, 2019, Elijah McClain was headed home listening to music while carrying his iced beverage. Someone nearby called police, stating the Black massage therapist "might be a good person or a bad person." Within seconds of arriving, Officer Nathan Woodyard grabbed McClain. Then, assisted by two colleagues, he put McClain in a chokehold until paramedics arrived and injected McClain with a lethal dose of ketamine, a powerful sedative.

Throughout the ordeal, McClain pleaded with them, saying "I can't breathe" seven times.

His final words included: "I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting ... I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat ... I respect all life ... Forgive me! All I was trying to do was become better."

Now, Elijah McClain is dead. And he had never done one single thing wrong. But Nathan Woodyard, one of the cops who killed him? He's sitting plush now with a $212,546 reward, his job on the police force back, and the knowledge that he can - and did - literally get away with murder.

The U.S. Department of Justice must get involved, now, in order to prove there actually is any justice in this world. It must hold these police officers, including Nathan Woodyard, responsible for the murder they caused. Sign the petition to stand with Elijah McClain's family and against cold-blooded murder!
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