Demand an end to our wild life being killed in Forest Lake

    I live in Forest lake in Queensland. We have a lake in our suburb surrounded by a reserve area. The small forest has a wild life including beautiful ducks of various types, birds , geckos ,possums and Wallabies. However, a road of the suburb passes by the side of the lake. The road has busy traffic and there is no safety measures in place for these animals. Every day these poor animals get killed by the motor vehicles and we can see dead bodies lying on the road. These ducks give birth to small ducklings who follow their mother crossing the roads. Most of the time the whole family gets brutally crushed by the vehicles. This has become a routine. I have spoken to the local council several times and written to them as well. They have done nothing . In the end they have sent an email that they are not able to anything about it.
    Could you kindly help me in this regard. What we have suggested is to put two small speed breakers on the bridge which is a part of the road next to the lake and forest. This will save these little animal from being ruthlessly killed by the traffic
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