Justice and Safety For Astraea and her 5 puppies

Town Dog Control received a call from a member of our community that a stray dog in pretty bad shape had wandered up onto his porch. When picked up, the condition of the dog was severe enough she was taken directly to the emergency vet. She had 4 puncture wounds on the top of her head, her whole head was swollen to the point she looked like a cartoon character, had a blood shot eye usually associated with a blunt force trama, and was emaciated. She was still producing milk so we new she had puppies somewhere. The owner was found and the remaining 5 week old puppies were reunited with momma in the care of the DCO. Allegedly the dog had been hit by a car very early Monday morning, the dog was not found until Tuesday late morning. The owner claimed he brought her inside and she died in the house. He took her to a gully and left her for dead never seeking medical care for her. The owner believes he should now regain custody of the dog and puppies. Please sign in support of keeping momma and babies safe and never returned to his care.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Astraea has healed wonderfully and is the sweetest girl ever! She was adopted to her new forever family last week. The previous owner returns to court Feb 12th for a final decision however.
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