I want new Star Wars movies to be consistent with Expanded Universe

  • por: Mateusz Michalak
  • destinatário: Disney; J.J.Abrams; George Lucas; LucasFilm ;

The purpose of this petition is to draw Disney's attention to the Star Wars Expanded Universe Fans.
We are not boycotting the Third Star Wars Movie Trilogy. We just want to be sure that new films are not going to ruin the Expanded Universe. We know t
hat EU is extensive and complex, which could be encumbrance for both - new fans and people working on the 3rd Trilogy. But still, we believe that there is a way to make both parties happy and make sure the new movies can be consistent to the Expanded Universe.

Novels, comic books, games - these things kept us with Star Wars through the years, continuing Star Wars history when there were no new SW movies to see. We have grown to love the Expanded Universe's characters and events as much as we love the movies, and EU is part of the Galaxy Far Far Away on an equal footing as Episodes.

We are loyal fans. Please keep our part of Star Wars Universe in mind.

PS : For those who support our cause : please feel free to join us at Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-want-new-Star-Wars-movies-to-be-consistent-with-Expanded-Universe/622285481118739

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