Stop Abusing Coffee! The dog is forced to sit with a pipe

Coffee is FORCED to sit outside Citi Field with a pipe in her mouth every Mets home game for hours on end. Something needs to be done about this.
Many may think it's cute or that she is trained. This is a form of abuse and it's not natural.  She is not affiliated with the Mets organization. 
Our goal is at least 5000 signatures.  I will then print and send to the proper lawmakers.  There are several home games and this poor guy is used as a publicity tool. 
We at Patrick's Movement Maryland and twitter movement against animal abuse @Patricksmovment wants to make sure this dog no longer has to go through her abuse which can last for hours. She is made to sit outside of every home Mets game with a pipe in her mouth for hours on end.  Her owner is NOT affiliated with the METS organization but makes this dog sit outside the stadium so others can laugh, point and tease.  This is abuse. 
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