We ask the Chinese Government for the immediate introduction of ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWS .!!!!

In China, dogs and cats be boiling alive by Chinese butcher !!!!

Dogs peeling alive, cook alive, buried alive, epilation alive (being scalded with boiling water) vivisection (without injection of anesthetic) ..... these extremely terrible things happenIt is common in China. Especially in the provinces what maximum number of people eating dog meat. Such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Heilongjiang Guangdong (eat dogs and cats) etc..

Please report! please show this to the world!

Wish this video posted to stop inhuman cruelty& slaughtering in China !
The poor animals are waiting for people
to survive! China need an !!
International pressure is the only hope for them !
Your kind help would be keenly appreciated by animal rights activists of China!
Please email to the following address:

【A few International medias and animal protection organizations】
Daily Telegraph: dtnews@telegraph.co.uk
Sunday Telegraph: stnews@telegraph.co.uk
The New York Times :letters@nytimes.com
The International New York Times :
The Humane Society of the United States:
CNN: ireport@cnn.com
World Society for the Protection of Animals, WSPA : info@worldanimalprotection.org
Hanja Maij-Weggen, President
Mike Baker, Chief Executive

【Animal Protection China Email / Phone】
english@npc.gov.c (NPC Standing Committee)

audience@cctv.com (CCTV)
cctv12news@vip.sohu.com (China Law reports)
Chang jiwen: Responsible for (expert Proposal) project team, the CASS Institute of Law
Email: changjiwenlaw@yahoo.com.cn

cctvlizhe@vip.sina.com (CCTV reporter Li)

gd-best@hotmail.com (Zhang lawyer)

Promoters of < China animal protection law> , The team of Hong Kong film director Er dongsheng
Email: derekyeehk@yahoo.com



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