Rescuers' Shoes Crunched on the Bones of Dead Animals at This Horrific Farm

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Washington County, Iowa authorities
Authorities in Iowa recently discovered such widespread, large-scale death, neglect, and disease among one farm's animals, that they required two full days to conduct their animal rescue operations.

In the end, they rescued - or attempted to rescue - upwards of 140 animals. But in the process, they discovered a property filled with the decaying corpses of other animals; too many to count.

Sign the petition to demand justice! The couple owning this farm should never be allowed to possess animals again.

According to one local officer: "The range of decomposition ranged from freshly deceased to nothing but bones ... there were some paddocks where you weren't stepping on ground, you were stepping on bones from prior deceased animals."

It's not hard to see how so many goats, pigs, and sheep died. Apparently the farmer had refused to provide them with any food or water.

Officials discovered animals attempting to survive in the most barren of circumstances. Pigs tried to eat dirt and mud to fill their empty bellies, and other animals attempted to break through buckets of frozen ice to access water for hydration. Many animals tested positive for a variety of diseases.

The situation was so grim, even seasoned veterinarians couldn't save some of the rescued animals. After having been neglected so horrifically for so long, they were unable to "respond to the medical attention and nutrition, and died."

No one living or working on this farm should ever have access to animals again. We must keep defenseless beings safe from such cruelty and neglect! Sign the petition to demand that authorities ban this farmer and his wife from ever owning or living with animals again!
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