Urge Clark County DA to Charge Gloria Lee with Animal Cruelty

  • por: Mike Korn
  • destinatário: Steven Wolfson, Clark County (NV) District Attorney

UPDATE (2/5/14): This morning D.A. Wolfson charged Lee with 27 FELONY counts of attempted abuse of an animal. A big THANK YOU to everyone (from all over the globe) who took the time to read and sign this petition! If you have a spare moment, I'm requesting that we send some THANK YOU letters to D.A. Wolfson at dainfo@ccdanv.com 


"Firefighters rescued more than two dozen puppies from fire danger earlier this week after a 35-year-old Las Vegas woman tried to set fire to her pet store on Rainbow Boulevard just south of the Las Vegas Beltway, a fire official said late Friday.

Gloria Lee was charged with first-degree arson in connection with the single-structure blaze.

Clark County Battalion Chief John Steinbeck said the 28 puppies could have died had it not been for the sprinkler system inside the pet store and the quick action of firefighters..."

Read more at http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/firefighter-dozens-puppies-survive-pet-shop-fire

Dear DA Wolfson,

 We, the undersigned, ask that Gloria Lee be charged under Nevada Revised Statute NRS 574.100 (1). Your work has not gone unnoticed and we applaud your efforts in fighting animal abuse, cruelty, and mistreatment. Thank you.


Citizens Concerned for the Welfare of Animals


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