Stop Selling Reindeer Meat at Ikea!

Ikea stores in the UK are selling reindeer meat in the lead up to Christmas. They are herded with snowmobiles, helicopters and motorcycles sometimes over 1000km to the slaughter houses in which they will be killed. Up to 70 percent of the reindeers slaughtered are less than one year old. Please tell Ikea that you won't stand for this cruel meat and to pull it from their stores! 
If you can please also take time to send emails, call or write a letter to them:
Ikea HQ: 020 8233 2300
Ikea Ltd HQ
255 North Circular Road
London, NW10 0JQ
We the undersigned are digusted and horrified that you are selling reindeer meat in your stores across the UK. We are disturbed to find out that the reindeer are herded with motorcycles, snowmobiles and even helicopters sometimes up to 1000 kilometeres to face a cruel end in slaughterhouses. Not only can reindeer become stressed from lassoing but the whole journey can cause their muscles to disintegrate. We find these practices used to obtian the meat to be upsetting and distressing and pledge to take our custom elsewhere until reindeer meat is off the shelves for good. 
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