Help WI Change Animal Testing Regulations

Information and Quotes: 

  1. PETA: "Although modern alternative test methods exist, huge multi-product manufacturers, including Unilever... Clorox... poison and harm animals..."
  2. PCRM: "95% of medical schools in the United States have eliminated live animal laboratories from their curricula."
  3. GEARI: "Johns Hopkins has a center devoted entirely to developing and promoting alternatives to animal testing."
  4. MADACC: "Less than 2% of cats and only 15 to 20% of dogs are returned to their owners."
From Democratic Underground:

SECTION 2704. 174.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

174.13 (2) Any officer or pound which has custody of an unclaimed dog may release the dog to the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., or to any other educational institution of higher learning chartered under the laws of the state and accredited to the University of Wisconsin System or University of Wisconsin- Madison, upon requisition by the institution. The requisition shall be in writing, shall bear the signature of an authorized agent, and shall state that the dog is requisitioned for scientific or educational purposes. If a requisition is made for a greater number of dogs than is available at a given time, the officer or pound may supply those immediately available and may withhold from other disposition all unclaimed dogs coming into the officers or pounds custody until the requisition is fully discharged, excluding impounded dogs as to which ownership is established within a reasonable period. A dog left by its owner for disposition is not considered an unclaimed dog under this section. If operated by a county, city, village or town, the officer or pound is entitled to the payment of $1 for each dog requisitioned. An institution making a requisition shall provide for the transportation of the dog.

Emphasis added. That's the section that the person posting in that forum noted will give research facilities wanting dogs preference over rescuers.

My proposition is for this to circulate throughout Wisconsin and to get enough "signatures" via facebook to advise Scott Walker to get rid of this part of the bill, instead of amending it.

Please spread the word and pass this on to as many people as possible. I, and the thousands of animals saved from this mistreatment, thank you in advance.
We the Undersigned:

It's been brought many people's attention that our bill currently houses schools that ability and right to obtain animals from area pounds for medical testing.

With deep enough research, we hope to persuade you to not overlook this aspect but attack it and destroy it.
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