I was seriously injured at the A39 - Piper's Inn Juntion in Ashcott on 7th August 2013 when the van that I was driving was hit by an un-insured driver who was apparently (have to put this for legal reasons) under the influence of drink, was driving a stolen vehicle, eating a Mcdonald's and who also left the seen of the accident. He took the corner far to fast and completly wiped out my vehicle. I was trapped in the wreckage for around an hour and a half while the emergency services cut me out. I was then airlifted to Frenchay Hospital were after numerous tests I was told I had broken a Rib in two places, broken my Chest Bone and fractured a Vertebrae along with servere bruising to my upper body & hips and muscle and tissue damage to my neck and right hand shoulder.
According to the Local Authority, this section of road has only seen a small number of minor accidents in the past...I would not call my accident minor, nor would I call the accident 1 week before where a car ended up on its roof minor either!!!!!
I dont want anyone else suffering what my family and I have gone and are still going through so therefore please sign this petition asking the Local Authority to install a traffic light system with speed detection cameras to slow people down and making the junction a much safer place.
Thank you
I was seriously injured at the A39 - Piper's Inn Juntion in Ashcott on 7th August 2013 when the van that I was driving was hit by an un-insured driver who was under the influence of drink, was driving a stolen vehicle, eating a Mcdonald's and who also left the seen of the accident. He took the corner far to fast and completly wiped out my vehicle. I was trapped in the wreckage for around an hour and a half while the emergency services cut me out. I was then airlifted to Frenchay Hospital were after numerous tests I was told I had broken a Rib in two places, broken my Chest Bone and fractured a Vertebrae along with servere bruising to my upper body & hips and muscle and tissue damage to my neck and right hand shoulder.
According to the reports I have seen, it says that section of road has only seen a small number of minor accidents in the past...I would not call my accident minor, nor would I call the accident 1 week before where a car ended up on its roof minor either, Infact there seems to be an incident every couple of weeks at this junction!!!
I dont want anyone else suffering what my family and I have gone and are still going through so therefore would like to see some form of traffic calming system ie a traffic light system with speed detection cameras or a round about to slow people down and making the junctions a much safer place.
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