Close ‘Wild Abundance’ farm down! There's not such thing as "humane slaughter"

  • por: Loredana V
  • destinatário: (Emily) (Natalie Bogwalker)
From Press Office:
Public “Humane” Execution of Sheep To Take Place In Western North Carolina on November 4th, 2017
In a secret location nestled in the woods near Asheville, North Carolina, an innocent sheep will be coldly and cruelly murdered November 4th by two women.
According to their website, the so-called farm named ‘Wild Abundance’ is charging $250 - $450 to anyone who wants to watch and learn the finer points and niceties of “humane slaughter” as the animal is executed for fun and profit.
Meredith Leigh (at left) and Natalie Bogwalker, the owners of ‘Wild Abundance’ ( and the two individuals perpetrating this egregious act, have even gone so far as to gallingly use the term ‘sacred’ in regards to this heinous killing of an innocent being. Both women are former vegans who cynically transitioned to the realm of butchery for profit, as explained in their own words.

Last year, Ms. Leigh and Ms. Bogwalker murdered two sheep in retribution for the strenuous efforts of compassionate animal activists.

The movement towards do-it-yourself, backyard, "humane/ethical" slaughter is not only reinforcing the narrative that it's okay to use our power to take innocent life, it goes further to attempt to make killing a "sacred" way to "honor" animals. Regardless of how the animals are raised -- or the language and rituals accompanying the killing process -- the needless taking of innocent lives is cruel and inhumane. The normalizing of "hands-on" killing as natural and cause for celebration turns kindness into hardened callousness.
We must STOP them NOW!

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