Boycott - No Travel to South Africa Until Trade in Rhino Horn is Abolished!

  • por: Katie McGrath
  • destinatário: Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa: Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism, and Tokozile Xasa, Deputy Minister of Tourism

The South African government has legalized the trade of Rhino horn in South Africa - despite worldwide outcry. We are calling for a boycott of tourism travel to South Africa until the legal trade in Rhino horn is abolished.

Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa

Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism, South Africa

Tokozile Xasa, Deputy Minister of Tourism

We, the undersigned, are calling on the government of South Africa to rescind the legalization of trade in Rhino horn in South Africa. Until the government makes trade in Rhino horn illegal within South Africa, we will encourage a world-wide boycott of tourism travel to South Africa. We will not spend our currency in South Africa. You are driving the Rhino population to extinction.

most sincerely,

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