You can stop cats & dogs slaughtering in China !!!

  • por: Kiera Zhang
  • destinatário: The Congress of USA and Mr. President

You can stop cats & dogs slaughtering in China !!!
【Petition for making!】

The Congress of USA,Dear Mr. President ,

Oct 11, 2014, a few animal protection volunteers demonstrated at law making building, which is illegal in China. Showing slogan banner is particularly prohibited ! The volunteers were ready to be arrested for violating CP' commandment,stimulated by cruelty & slaughtering to cats & dogs !
Getting evidence, agreement on dog slaughterhouse, animal protection volunteers get to know local government involves in cat & dog eating businesses, which brings excessive profits , when the cats & dogs are captured homeless ones, stolen & robbed pets ! That is why proposal rejected until today !
Without the law, countless cats & dogs seriously injured, killed & slaughtered everyday, not only by individuals but also by CPG officials & CPG police ! More & more pet owners & volunteers badly injured, even killed while dogs stolen, robbed & rescued ! Alive cats & dogs, dog meat sold in restaurants, markets, on side of roads, but protest has been refused, no law tells it's illegal has been the reply !
In China, where the autocratic CP party monopolys, where CP members & relatives as law makers, government officials, administrators, managers, businessmen, police etc, where property & profits shared within the CP party, making willingly by CP law makers is absolutely impossible!
Here petition posted to stop inhuman cruelty & slaughtering in China ! What hoped is that could be made under international pressure !
Ever since CP took power with guns, dogs have been extincted in cities occasionally to save food for human, for cleaning when international meetings held,hydrophobia case found. In 1966, Cats & dogs slaughtered thoroughly in cities to start cultural revolution. Dogs have been eaten by impoverished owners. Cats & dogs eating became business about 30 years ago, ever since made by the ministry of agriculture, just for crossing borders of pets, which isn't in the files, but was told when volunteers demonstrated there. That has been used by local CP government to do cat & dog eating business ! That causes distortion intentionally, so eating cats & dogs is legal business has been the reply ! Taking cats & dogs, the beast, as livestock, results in 100,000 the 1st day, at Peixian-Jiangsu province, Jinhua-Zhejiang province, Yulin-Guangxi province, Huangtang, Maoming & Zhanjiang-Guangdong province etc. Killing on spot restaurants at all municipalities & provinces, particularly in Guangxi, Guangdong, Liaoning, Jilin & Heilongjiang provinces ! Just in Being 42 dog eating restaurants found !
Tremendous demands few dog feeding farms, pet dogs stolen & robbed, dog owners wounded & killed, 611 videos at Youku, reports by CP media ! On one spot, Jingha Expressway, 9 lorries of dogs rescued in two days, 13 lorries at four times. Almost all saved at weekends. 500 dogs loaded averagely. 3000 cats loaded on one truck, eaten in South China!
Adopting dogs from CP police' confiscation house, none big dogs found, where keeps captured homeless dogs, no certificate ones & higher than 35 cm ones. The big pet dogs on the lorries are supposed from the police by Xinlang microblog, the police keep silence!
The local CP government involves in dog eating business proved by pictures taken at Jicun village committee in Wubauhu town, Xianghe, Hebei province,billboards say buying & selling alive dogs , proved by the agreement signed by Junlai dog slaughtering house & Hexi village committee in Xinglong town, Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang province. The Junlai dog slaughtering house supplies Junlai dog meat restaurants chain, which should cooperate with subdistrict office to get enshielded. Anyway, has been demand by volunteers, though in most cases nonfeasance has been the result !
Once lorries carrying dogs caught by volunteers or dog meat restaurants impeached, rescued dogs were sent to animal shelters. What suspicious is that certain lorries released or paid to the drivers for the dogs required by the CP police ! What ridiculous is that the butchers call the volunteers & sell the dogs at higher price !
Since no in China, cats & dogs have been abandoned, injured, burnt, slaughtered for eating ! Captured homeless dogs, confiscated pets without paid certificates or higher than 35cm are sent to the police's dog jails once a week, in which dogs are slaughtered cruelly, buried alive at Inner Mongolia, killed with intense heat at Shanghai, poisoned or burnt regaining consciousness at Beijing. Also in the police dog jail hungry dogs eat starved ones at Baotou, Inner Mongolia.
Although had been made in China, using raised ones is allowed ! Wild animals have been eaten as drugs or food as usual ! Huge profits got by CP & relatives !
Details, pictures & videos at Facebook , Animal protection volunteers of China ,
and Supplementaries.

The poor cats & dogs are waiting for the to survive! International pressure is the only hope for them ! Your kind help wound be keenly appreciated by animal protection volunteers of China!


P.S. 1. Videos of the Chinese beat the dogs. and the Chinese polices beat and killing dogs. (记者暗访) (Dogs eating starved ones.) (Video, several dog stolen case) (Dog stolen violently) ... NTYzMw==&scene=6#rd (Dogs in street regarded as abandoned shot dead by police, in Linhe district, Bayanzhuoer, Inamongolia, China ! )
2014 内蒙巴彦淖尔市临河区, 警察开枪杀狗视频 ... isappinstalled=0#rd

三花视频,猫狗食用,记者采访食客官员, ... R9vc4Ed6Zi6_7Enj_Zs ... isappinstalled=0#rd
(警察当街枪杀狗狗)Police kill dog on the street. 玉林狗肉节 汕头人渣虐狗 温州大学保安虐狗 杭州6.11特大虐狗杀狗 郑州狗市野蛮杀戮 屠夫虐杀狗狗 美女虐猫 虐猫 大街扔猫


P.S.2. Videos of the dogs jailes in China. ... NTYzMw==&scene=6#rd
包头留检所惨烈的现场!Video of the dogs jail of Baotou city.
Should the video can't be seen, please copy Chinese characters 留检所里狗吃狗的惨状 (Video of the dogs jail of Nanjing city.) jails of China)那是天津留检所。北京留检所将抓来的狗狗们活活烧死!上海留检所开50度高温空调将狗狗们活活热死!有英文字幕(English subtitles)!Video of the dogs jail of Tianjin city.
The Dogs jails of Shanhai: high temperature air-conditioning heat to
Death (dogs are conditioned alive dead heat).
The Dogs jails of Beijing: dogs be burned alive (<大爱>中国首部披露国内留检所(Dogs jails of China)狗狗悲惨命运的记录片)


Written by Crystal Erickson
Target: the Congress of USA.
Forward: United Nations, European Union, the Parliament of UK,CNN, BBC.

Atualização #110 anos atrás

Dear friends,
The poor cats & dogs are waiting for the to survive! International pressure is the only hope for them ! Your kind help wound be keenly appreciated by animal protection volunteers of China!!!
Please help these miserable dogs and cats in China, save their lifes by your loving heart!!!
Zhang Kiera.
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