Please sign and share this petition everywhere on social media sites in an effort to encourage Nashville and other cities nationwide to implement some programs that can help to reduce the stray dog population. Animal activists are continually looking into various ways to safely and effectively reduce and control the stray pet population that would and could be effective in Nashville and other cities across the country.
Nashville has recently been faced with an overwhelming increase in their stray pet population, handling the situation by having them impounded by Metro Animal Care and Control where they were put to death. This amounted to more than 8,000 animals. However, that figure is strikingly higher than a number of cities to which Nashville is often compared, adding fuel to the argument by activists that change is sorely needed.
It has been noted that Metro Animal Care Metro has failed to follow the lead of other cities that have better-funded programs and lower euthanasia rates. We need to encourage Nashville to look into other options than presenting these animals into a situation where they are euthanized. First and foremost, pet owners need to learn the proper steps to take with their own animals so that there isn't such an overpopulation of dogs.
Animal control claims that the euthanasia numbers have gone down from previous years but they are still astounding; 81 percent killed versus 78 percent!! Securing additional funding would be greatly helpful in funding the city’s $1.8 million animal control program to assist in managing the overpopulation of stray dogs. There are steps that can be taken that could lower the euthanasia rate immediately.
According to information at, some programs implements in other areas of the country includes:
We have to encourage Nashville to do more to control their overwhelming stray pet population, working with PETA, and other animal activists in an effort to stop the problem drastically in a safe and effective manner. Please sign and share this petition everywhere on social media sites in an effort to encourage Nashville and other cities nationwide to implement some programs that can help to reduce the stray dog population. Animal activists are continually looking into various ways to safely and effectively reduce and control the stray pet population that would and could be effective in Nashville and other cities across the country.
Nashville Government and Animal Control Federation - Please look into other options as listed in this petition so that you can control your stray dog overpopulation situation. There has to be other options aside from killing the animals. Work with PETA and the as a way to implement better adoption fairs, funding programs and an imperative and mandatory sterilization plan as an attempt to stop this problem of too many stray dogs. Save these animals. There has to be other options than the easy way out to kill these poor dogs.
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