Pet shops and most breeders keep Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits and other animals in small cages, for who knows how long! That are not appropriate for them at all, It is cruel! Shops say they are only temporary but then go on to sell people cages that are far too small for the animals to live in long term! They do not give people the correct information of the actual care, living conditions and food needed for the animals so therefore most are not looked after properly, they are kept in small cages with little or nothing to do, with food that isn’t adequate for their needs. There are so many rescue centres absolutely full of these neglected and unwanted pets, but most are still living uncared for in peoples home as most kids they were bought for are bored of them! Some people actually dump them because a rescue isn’t able to take them yet! It needs to be stopped or at least some very strict restrictions put in place.
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