Posted speed limit on Nathaniel Way

    Did you know that a non-posted road in Auburn has a speed limit of 35 mph? This means that the speed limit on Nathaniel Way is 35 mph! I believe this is way too fast. We live in a quiet, family friendly neighborhood on a 1/2 mile long, cul-de-sac street where many families enjoy a nice walk and children play outside. While most people will drive slower when people and children are present, some feel the "right" to drive 35 mph, and do so even when our children are on or near the side of the road. Conversations have been started with certain individuals and they state multiple families constantly block the road and should not be in the road when they are driving and children are unsupervised. Also, delivery drivers can sometimes drive fast around our neighborhood. It is only time before something horrific happens from someone that refuses to drive slower when children are present.
    There are nearly 30 children in grade school in our neighborhood on our 1/2 mile road. I am asking that you sign this petition to allow the town to post the speed limit to 25 mph on Nathaniel Way, Auburn, NH. Thank you in advance for the concern of our families!
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