Dont trade with China until they respect Animal Rights and human Rights

  • por: Christiane Henker
  • destinatário:,,,

At this days almost every products are made in  China, from Clothes,
Household Articles , Toys, Computers. Check the Labels and dont buy Products from China until they respect Animal Rights and human Rights.
Urge China to introduce a Animal Protection law.

Help to identify fake or real fur:​-detective.html

Tens of millions of animals are slaughtered and butchered in China each year. Animal fur is in high demand, and the Chinese deliver. What does not get exported outside of China usually ends up on a dinner plate. The sad fact is that the animals suffer horrendous torture. They are captured on the streets, and packed by the dozens into small cages, without ability to move. They are then tossed like inanimate objects from the trucks, onto the ground, hitting each other and the steel cages. These cages are later stacked, and the real nightmare begins. The animal is brutally pulled out of the cage, and tied to prevent resistance. It is lightly stunned by a blow on the head, but still alive. If the animal is not heavy, the worker holds it by its hind legs, waves it in the air and then bashes its head against the ground. Once the animal is subdued, a new and incomprehensible stage in this ongoing nightmare begins. The worker cuts a tiny incision in the animal's rear, and then methodically peels away the skin. This skinning process takes about a minute, during which the worker actively keeps the animal alive, as it is believed that it is easier to skin the animal while it is still warm and blood flows through its veins. The nightmare does not end here. The final stage in this unbelievable horror is when the animal is tossed aside, and slowly, amidst a heap of its dying friends, it perishes as it is no longer able to withstand the pain. In other cases, when the animal's fur is not needed (mostly with cats), the animals are put in a sack, and are then cooked alive in a barrel of boiling water.
This process is extremely hard to digest, but we believe it is not propelled by cruelty, but rather by ignorance and lack of awareness to animal needs. The workers do not think to kill the animal before they begin, and are not aware of the animal's suffering. Our commitment is to provide enlightenment. It is our moral obligation to these animals. If we shut our eyes this will not go away!

The Chinese government has for years severely restricted the freedom of movement, speech and religion of its citizens, failed to develop an independent judiciary, done very little to curb discrimination against ethnic minorities and continued to execute more people per year than the rest of the world combined.

A few weeks ago the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo, imprisoned for calling for an independent judiciary, freedom of expression and a new constitution in China.

What did United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon have to say about this on his recent visit to China?

Nothing. The UN Chief did not even mention the imprisoned human rights defender during a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao.

Read this:​Teary-Mother-Bear-Killed-H​er-Baby-and-Committed-Suic​ide-A-Heart-Breaking-True-​Story


Sign Petition​ition/index.php

Call Embassies:
Botschaft in Berlin

Adresse der Botschaft:

Märkisches Ufer 54
10179 Berlin
Tel: 030-27588 0, Fax:030-27588 221

Konsulat in Frankfurt

Chinas Konsulat in Frankfurt bearbeitet konsularische Angelegenheiten in den Bundesländern Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. Visa-Anträge werden unabhängig vom Wohnort der Person begutachtet.

General-Konsulat in Frankfurt
Mainzer Landstrasse 175
60326 Frankfurt a.M.

Visaabteilung im Konsulat:
Telefon: 069 75085-548 (Pass)
Telefon: 069 75085-534 (Visa)
Telefon: 069 75085-549 (Beglaubigungen)
Fax: 069 75085-530

Generalkonsulat Volksrepublik China Elbchaussee 268, 22605 Hamburg 040/822760 ext. 18

Konsulat in Muenchen

Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China
Romanstraße 107, 80639 München

Botschaft in Bern


Montag bis Freitag
9.00 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr

Kalcheggweg 10
3006 Bern

Telefon: 041-31-3514593
Fax: 0041-31-3518256

Konsulat in Zürich


Montag bis Freitag
9.00 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr

Bellariastrasse 20
CH-8002 Zürich

Telefon: 0041-44-2011005

Botschaft in Wien
Neulinggasse 29
1030 Wien, Österreich
01 7103648

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States, All Rights Reserved
Address:3505, International Place, N.W., Washington D.C. 20008, U.S.A.
Tel:001-202-4952266 Fax:001-202-4952138

Chinese Embassy in Canada


Ambassador: Zhang Junsai



Tel: 001-613-7893434 7910511

Fax: 001-613-7891911 7891414

Website: http://ca.china-embassy.or​g/


Chinese Embassy in France

Ambassador: Kong Quan (Concurrently Ambassador to Monaco)

Address: 11, av. George V, 75008 Paris

Tel: 0033-1-49521950





General Line: 020-72994049

For Visa: 020-7631 1430

Political Section


Email: political@chinese-embassy.​

Chinese Embassy in Norway,Tuengen Allé 2B,0244 Oslo
Tel:+47 22492052 Fax:+47 22921978 webmaster@chinese-embassy.​no

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

i am writing you to express my Condemnation about China and the Fur industry. At this days almost every products are buyed from china and selled to China.
The fur industry is one of the world's cruellest, and China is the source of most of the world's fur products. In the absence of any legislation or government control, animals in the Chinese fur industry are subject to the most extreme forms of abuse. Investigations of fur farms in China have exposed shocking methods of trapping, transportation, confinement and killing. The species being used include not only typical sources of fur such as rabbits, foxes, minks and raccoons, but also domestic dogs and cats, whose furs are ofte n being deliberately mislabelled and exported as fur from other species. More than 40 million animals are killed each year for their fur.

The Chinese government has for years severely restricted the freedom of movement, speech and religion of its citizens, failed to develop an independent judiciary, done very little to curb discrimination against ethnic minorities and continued to execute more people per year than the rest of the world combined.

Stop Trade with China until they respect animal Rights and human Rights.


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