There are many of us who know what blog scraping is, who take steps to deal with these events and do our part, but there are still too
many bloggers who don't know what it is and think they can't do anything about it. Some, even think that a few extra links to their site
might actually be a good thing, so they don't do anything about it at all. They couldn't be more wrong.
"Scrapers tend to be associated with link farms and are sometimes perceived as the same thing, when multiple scrapers link to the
same target site. A frequent target victim site might be accused of link-farm participation, due to the artificial pattern of incoming links
to a victim website, linked from multiple scraper sites." [1]
So by being a repeat victim, your own site could actually suffer loss of pagerank and loss of google indexing because you could be
labeled as a blog of ill-repute yourself.
UASS is a group of bloggers who are banding together through our signed agreement, that someone who engages in theft of our
content online is no different than the common criminal who breaks into our home and steals our home electronics in order to sell them
and therefore gain financially from something that didn't belong to them.
Our aim is to collect enough names to attract some regular old
fashioned publicity from the old-fashioned media like radio, newspapers and television. Aside from bringing awareness to honest
bloggers, it will send a clear message to the scrapers, that we're on the offensive and their posteriors will be ours.
It can be done. Please help. Sign this petition today because it isn't a matter of if your content will be stolen, it's a matter of when and
how often.
Thank you!
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