Trophy Support and In-Game XMB for Every PS3 Title

  • por: A Casual Gamer
  • destinatário: The developing companies who are refusing to provide patches (IW..etc...)
     This petition was created in response to the current release of Sony Playstation 3's firmware v2.40 which included many new and exciting features. Of the features, Trophy support and In game XMB were the most anticipated.

     However, in spite of the great success of many games i.e. Call of Duty 4, Ratchet and Clank, to name a few, the developing companies of these games decide that they do not want to give respect and appreciation that is due to the fans who made the games the success they are, and refuse to provide patches for Trophy Support and In-game XMB support for the previously mentioned games.
     Infinity Ward is one of those companies. After amazing success of the Call of Duty 4 game, Infinity Ward still neglects it's fans by refusing, not due to any particular reason, to create a patch for Trophy and In Game XMB. They did however create a new map pack, only after releasing it 3 weeks late and charging $9.99, wow so generous IW!

     If you feel that Sony should mandate every game released on the PS3 to have trophy support and are annoyed and fed up with the neglect that many videogame developing companies are showing towards gaming fans then feel free to sign this petition. If we can collect enough signatures, the petition will be turned over to Sony and to the companies that are refusing to provide patches for In game XMB and Trophy support in hopes that they will listen to the ones who give them their success!

     Thank you,
We the undersigned, are very upset with the neglect of appreciation to the ones who made your games multi-million dollar successes i.e. Those who purchased and continue to play video games.

We demand that you show the respect due to the PS3 owners who have been shafted time and time again with delays in patches, charging for map packs, refusal to provide dual shock support patch, and refusing to provide Trophy and In game XMB support for your titles released on the PS3.

Those who play videogames have the power to make or break your titles. If you piss off enough of us and we decide to boy-cott your next release, you will feel the pinch of neglecting your fans and you will fail in making your next titles successes.

Give us what we want, make a patch to provide In-Game XMB Support and Trophy Support.
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