It is widely recognised that the textile and clothing industry has been and continues to be one of the most polluting and exploitive industries today.  The chemicals revolution has impacted greatly on human well-being and although it cannot be argued that chemicals have raised farming yields by killing crop pests and have made an endless array of useful products possible, but to what detriment has this occurred?  Is there such a thing as a healthy fabric, which does not have an impact on either the environment or humankind?

There are hundreds of adverse health effects that can arise from exposures to chemicals or metals and although we can’t undo the harm that has been already been done, I believe that we have the right to know what chemicals are in the clothing we buy, so that we can begin to take control of our personal chemical exposure.

My manifesto calls on the government to make a commitment to put our health and environment first by standing up to polluting chemical producers, in order to: 

·         Make substitution of all hazardous chemicals mandatory where safer alternatives are available.

·         Ensure that industry is obliged to provide sufficient information about the properties and hazards of chemicals they produce, including the ones in imported products. 

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