Call on the United Nations Security Counsel to pass a resolution:

(1) Which requires the government of Sudan to immediately end the attacks and killings of civilians in Darfur by government forces and militias; and if the government of Sudan fails to do this, we want IMMEDIATE military force implemented by the UN, with ALL NECESSARY EQUIPTMENT NEEDED to help to bring an end to the on-going atrocities against innocent civilians and people in the Darfur region of Sudan.

(2) Which authorizes member states to send peacekeeping troops to Darfur to stop the systematic murder of the people of Sudan by the Janjawid and government-backed militias "As soon as Possible"!

Thank you.

Call on the United Nations Security Counsel to pass a resolution:

(1) Which requires the government of Sudan to immediately end the attacks and killings of civilians in Darfur by government forces and militias; and if the government of Sudan fails to do this, we want IMMEDIATE military force implemented by the UN, with ALL NECESSARY EQUIPTMENT NEEDED to help to bring an end to the on-going atrocities against innocent civilians and people in the Darfur region of Sudan.

(2) Which authorizes member states to send peacekeeping troops to Darfur to stop the systematic murder of the people of Sudan by the Janjawid and other government-backed militias (responsable for murder on innocent civilians as well as UN Peacekeepers and Aid workers) "As soon as Possible"!

Thank you.

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