Hi everyone, this petition is going to be sent to our new President to let him hear what a dog in and from a puppy mill endures..SO PLEASE READ THE WHOLE PETITION, DONT JUST SIGN THE PETITION PLEASE TALK FOR YOUR MILL DOG,OR PET SHOP PUPPY,LET THE PRESIDENT KNOW ABOUT THEIR ISSUES MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY !! IF YOU DON'T PLACE A COMMENT ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH MILL DOGS THEIR VOICES WONT BE HEARD, IF YOU JUST SIGN , OR SIGN WITH NO NAME YOU ARE NOT DOING THIS PETITION ANY GOOD, SHARE YOU MILL DOG EXPERIENCES WITH US.I want to hear from rescue volunteers/ foster parents/directors/adopters/shelter workers/vets/groomers/ first responders who are on the front line of puppy mill raids large or small, anyone who has dealt with dogs from puppy mills, and also the people that have adopted sick dogs from puppy please on this petition I ONLY want to hear from those of you who have had DIRECT CONTACT  or have heard personnel stories about puppy mill dogs, tell President Obama what these dogs endure in the mills, and outside once they are lucky enough to taste freedom, what issues their offspring have once they are sold out of puppy stores/internet websites, I want YOU  to talk for your puppy mill dog, let this country know why puppy mills should NOT be allowed to exist and that our country has NO need for commercially bred dogs...and please sign the other two petitions I have online called "LETS CLEAN HOUSE AT THE USDA TO SAVE PUPPY MILL DOGS" AND "SHUT DOWN KATHY BAUCHS PUPPY MILL IN MINNESOTA"
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