The Crime in the Artic: Stop Aerial Wolf Hunting!

  • por: Jen Ericson
  • destinatário: The Government of Alaska
Sarah Palin has brought back one of the cruelest "sports" in the U.S : Aerial Wolf Hunting.  It is simple, brutal, and deadly for the amazing wolves. A low flying plane  carries two: the pilot, who is flying low and slow. And a gunner, with an automatic rifle. They fly in the dead of winter, so there's no where to run. And once the wolf is spotted, the "hunt" is on. The Pilot flies low and the gunner fires out the window. But more often then not, the wolf survives this first attack, but is wounded and biting him or herself in agony. The first shots not killing, the pilot drives the wolf to exhaustion, not giving them a break until the wolf is unable to take another step. The plane is landed, the gunner gets out and shoots the wolf.

And Sarah Palin brought it back, allowing this bloodbath to happen, even encouraging it. If you turn in the severed leg of a wolf, you get $150. A bounty on the head of one of America's greatest creatures. So let's take a stand to stop the murder of wolves.
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