End the Canadian seal hunt boycott travel/seafood
Every year It Is business as usual In Canada with the annual seal hunt on the Gulf of St. Lawrence killing thousands each year the largest of Its kind the seals are killed In a barbaric and inhumane way and some If not most die of a slow and agonizing death while the seal pups are targeted for their fur the mothers look on In horror please help stop this barbaric and Inhumane hunt.
We the undersigned do hereby petition and protest the Canadian seal hunt and will boycott Canadian seafood and travel to Canada until this torture for seals ends this needs to stop now!
We feel that there is no need to hurt these wonderful creatures as well as not use their fur for fashion purposes these are Innocent creatures of the ocean they belong there leave nature alone and let mother nature take Its course what these sealers do to the seals Is just wrong It is barbaric and Inhumane take a look at all the pictures and live footage thats out there please have a heart and stop this you have the power to do so Mr. Harper.
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