Protect the Persian Leopard.

The Persian or Iranian Leopard is a secretive animal, like all leopards, and is seldom seen in the wild. Residing in hilly and forested areas. It is a solitary feline that faces a variety of threats in it's natural habitat and is struggling to survive in nature.

There are fewer than thirteen hundred Persian Leopards in the wild today and the highest number are in Iran with around six to eight hundred reportedly existing. There are some conservation projects underway, at the moment though, this magnificent animal is classified as Endangered. This is due to poaching for fur, trophy hunting, poisoning, fires, and habitat and prey loss, also continued warfare within it's geographical range.

The Leopard is a flag species, and it's presence shows the health of the entire ecosystem.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, request that the Dept of the Environment  take this splendid cat, and other endangered species in Iran, under their protection in all provinces, thus preventing the loss of Iran's unique and wonderful wildlife.

The Persian or Iranian Leopard is a secretive animal, like all leopards, and is seldom seen in the wild. Residing in hilly and forested areas. It is a solitary feline that faces a variety of threats in it's natural habitat and is struggling to survive in nature.

There are fewer than thirteen hundred Persian Leopards in the wild today and the highest number are in Iran with around six to eight hundred reportedly existing. There are some conservation projects underway, at the moment though, this magnificent animal is classified as Endangered. This is due to poaching for fur, trophy hunting, poisoning, fires and habitat and prey loss, also continued warfare within it's geographical range.

The Leopard is a flag species, and it's presence shows the health of the entire ecosystem.

Therefore, we the undersigned,  request that the Dept. of the Environment take this splendid cat, and other endangered species in Iran, under their protection in all provinces, thus preventing the loss of Iran's unique and wonderful wildlife. 

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,

The Petition Signers..


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