Save primitive Horse Gulch!

  • por: Horse Gulch Blog
  • destinatário: Durango's Natural Lands, Trails and Sustainability Director Kevin Hall, Durango's Natural Lands and Preservation Advisory Board, the Durango City Council, the Mayor of Durango, Trails 2000

We, the undersigned, request that Trails 2000 and the City of Durango leave Horse Gulch open space as primitive as possible with as few man-made structures as possible.

We are opposed to heavy machinery being used in Horse Gulch for the destruction or construction of trails, or any other purpose other than wildland fire suppression.

We request that the City of Durango not put a paved, handicap wheel-chair path into Horse Gulch, as it would alter the primitive state of this recreational area. 

We are opposed to the City of Durango putting in a vault-toilet bathroom, or any buildings at the entrance to Horse Gulch. A porta-potty would be more appropriate, as its maintenance costs and potential for being slept in by the Horse Gulch homeless population would be minimal.

We request that Horse Gulch be kept as open space that's free for the public to access given it's relatively low need for ongoing maintenance due to the absence of any bathroom facility there.

We request that currently existing downhill/freeride/all-mountain oriented trails that have built their reputation off of their ability to provide for a fast, downhill-descent experience not be pacified or obstructed under the banner of sustainable trail development.

We request that Anasazi Descent, Mike's Loop, Cuchillo trail, Sidewinder, Meadow Loop and Raider Ridge not be pacified or rerouted under the banner of sustainable trail development.

We request that trails in Horse Gulch be left as dirt, rocks or anything organic that is intrinsic to a primitive, open space area, while excluding cement, steel, plastic or asphalt structures. We request that trail and amenity signage be kept to a minimum.

We request that Horse Gulch be left as primitive as possible in such a way that preserves its wildness and character as a single-track mecca for wildlife and humans who go there.

For more information on Horse Gulch open space, please visit Horse Gulch Blog:

Thank you for your support and taking the time to read our petition!

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