Save Lincoln Heights
Lincolns Heights was canceled for no reason. It was one of few shows that had a predominate Ethnic Cast and was uplifting. It showed African Americans in a positive light. Shows like this is hard to come by. I know for me when I see the shows that are on the air now, with an all African American cast they are mainly showing us as ignorant uneducated, fools that would rather rap, sit in the streets, or try to have sex with everything. This show is positive. It was as positive as the Cosby Show. I am asking you as fans of the show to sign this petition and lets get this to ABC Family so we can try and get this show back on the air. We as a society have to start trying to protect our shows that are doing something in a positive light. Not keep shows that promote ignorance, and show how stupid people can act. Also as an African American male I would like my sons to see a show that can teach them as well as educate. If there is a stand that needs to be made it needs to be now. I see shows on the air that is the same with pretty white people with problems, but shows like Lincoln Heights get canceled either for politics, money wise, or because they are not white enough. Its ridiculous and it needs to come to an end. Please support this and lets try and bring this show back on the air. Thank you.
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