Global Support of The Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi
We give our full support of the Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi as the sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people. we are completely against any military intervention which will leads to nothing but destroy my beloved country Libya. Any internal problem is a Libyan business which can be resolved by Libyan or diplomatic dialogue.
Please share this petition with your friends and family and all those who believe in this cause . Petitions will succeed only by word of mouth and sharing it with others, and every signature makes a difference!...Note: Please fill the information on the right side of this page --------------->>>>to sign.....hitting like button would not count as a signature.....Thanks !
We give our full support of the Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi as the sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people. we are completely against any military intervention which will leads to nothing but destroy my beloved country. Any internal problem is a Libyan business which can be resolved by Libyan or diplomatic dialogue.
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