Make it a Felony to Fight and Abuse Pitbulls!

You keep hearing of another state adopting the banning of Pitbulls and we as people who love these dogs have Got to stand up for them!Make it a felony in All 50 States!!Higher grade felony.The Concept of Susie law. WHY?Because lawmakers think that the Easy way to solve the problem is just to Ban them and Condeem them!!.What happening when lawmakers would rather see a defenseless animal killed then make TOUGHER laws and Hefty fines against the people who fight them? MAKE IT A HIGH GRADE FELONY TO FIGHT THEM INSTEAD OF BANNING THEM!!IF ,we don't try now we may find ourselves under one of the states banning them.WE Can't sit back and not try to make lawmakers see we as a people are standing up for these breeds!We are saying ENOUGH make the ones who are abuse and fight them liable,make tough jail time and hefty fines against these people!Make it a FELONY to fight and abuse this breed!Stop condeeming and banning the breed!!!Let's stand up and use our voice to say NO more putting the blame on a dog that just doing what the owner has taught it to do!!Put the blame where it belongs on the people who take advantage of these precious dogs.They torture these dogs for money!!Can't you feel for the animal who has no choice but to fight for it life or die?These dogs are loving pets.They are the ones that should be protected from these people not banned or put down!If you start giving hard sentences and fines you may be able to save these dogs.Banning them all you are doing is making them suffer more at the hands of these people who will just seek ways to hide them .Stop making it easy for these people!Come down on these dog fighters and help innocent dogs.We are standing together as their voice to say ENOUGH banning and condeemning the breed go AGAINST the people fighting them!!We as people who love them are standing up for these dogs!North Carolina Lawmakers make it a HIGH GRADE FELONY to fight and train these precious dogs.Make it where you must have a reputable breeder permit to breed them.There are ways to not punish the breed and keep it where responsible owners can keep their beloved pets.You are ONLY hurting the breed and NOT solving the PROBLEM!The Problem BAD owners who train and teach them to fight!!And people who are NOT responsible owners is that the breed fault?What next?Rottweilers?Don't you realize these people will just find another breed to fight and torture?Then what just keep banning and condeem every breed?You got to make it a FELONY to abuse animals.With SEVERE penalities.Trainers,fighters,even the people caught at dog fights make it a FELONY!!PLEASE STOP BLAME THE BREED AND BLAME THE INHUMANE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM FOR PROFIT.I Will MARCH anytime for this great breed who bad people have HORRIBLY mistreated and taken advantage of.I BELIEVE EVERYONE who loves this breed will do whatever it takes to get the message out Stop Blame the Breed,and Blame the people who ABUSE them..Even if,we have to march we are FINALLY coming together and realizing they NEED our help and our voice..YES I feel I probably have repeated myself in this letter but,I am to the point of pure frustration and pain to see how this breed is suffering and  to know there are States that Already have Ban this breed!!It WRONG and I realize we got to STAND up all of us who love them.And those of you who don't own them PLEASE as a animal person think of what they are enduring?At the hands of people?And they get put down and ban?No it WRONG!!Let's show that they finally have a voice from all over that are saying ENOUGH!!Yes to Pitbulls and a Felony to the ones who fight and abuse them.
We The Undersigned are people from all over the World are tired of seeing this breed condeemed and banned Why?because a Bad owner would rather make money and see the dog horribly tore up or killed.All for the sport of money!Then sadly the breed gets Banned and Condeemed why?What choice did it have when it put in a ring to fight for it life?Please Stop condeem  this breed and do what right.Make it a FELONY with SEVERE fines if,caught fighting or abusing the dog.They should go to prison first offense!Make it where people who breed this breed must have a Permit and show the female is taken care of and is a reputable breeder.There are ways to come Against the Problem without blaming the breed!Put the BLAME where it belongs on the owners!!The State can charge Hefty fines against these people and that money could be put to use with The Animal Control  so they could use the money to set up Patrol of areas known for dog fighting and make it a Priority to better help this breed. There needs to be Better Awareness and better forces to come against this horrible act against this breed!!I am sure citizens would pull together against these people too If,they see you are trying to help the breed and really do something AGAINST the Abusers!Maybe they would report these bad people but alot of people I have talked to are afraid cause they fiqure NOTHING going to happen to the bad people and then these bad people may hurt them.If someone would fight a dog then what respect do they have for humans?Show people that if they stand up that the bad people Will go to prison!And they will probably not fear so much the bad people when they see the Law behind them.Personally I don't care if I knew someone was abuse a animal or fight them ABSOLUTELY I would report it.But these people live in bad areas associated to crime and they feel afraid to report bad people why wouldn't they when they keep see vile acts against this breed overlooked and the breed blamed!!So Please stop BAN and CONDEEM this breed and Make it a FELONY to fight and abuse these dogs!Even a FIRST OFFENSE should be SEVERE PENALITIES and Prison!!.Hit them where it hurts in their pockets.Let's come together and show these people we won't put up with it NOMORE.Let's Prove and Show they will Receive Large Fines and a Felony Against them EVEN for the FIRST OFFENSE and Prison time  show animals matter!.Thank You for your time.I be willing to go around and put out pamplets to citizens that we got to start speaking up for these precious dogs .And Yes I would Even March for these precious dogs who have endured so much..We The Undersigned Thank You For Your Time.
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