As an intervention to prevent DOG BITES: Chained dogs become frustrated, territorial and aggressive. They are 2.8 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs, per the CDC (Center for Disease Control). With nearly 5 million dog bites a year (per the CDC) considering:

~~74.8 million dogs in the United States
~~800,000 people annually require medical treatment for dog bites
~~$356.2 million paid by insurance companies in dog bite liability claims in 2007
~~3,500 average number of postal workers bitten each year
~~50 percent of bites go unreported

Sources: National Canine Research Council, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Postal Service, Insurance Information Institute

Let it be known TETHERING DOGS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY causing mental torture for a dog, which will predispose it to bite; such restraints should be illegal under laws of ANIMAL CRUELTY in the State to the exception of the owner or licensed vet attending the dog while chained.

As modeled by Miami Dade, Florida

Anti-tethering ordinance


(Miami-Dade County, FL) -- In an effort to improve the safety of Miami-Dade residents, and the wellbeing of pets, Chapter V of the Miami-Dade County Code pertaining to animals has been amended and the County%u2019s first anti-tethering law will go into effect April 2009 to give pet owners ample time to learn about the new regulations.

*Our goal is to protect our residents and pets* said Dr. Sara Pizano, Director of Miami-Dade Animal Services.  *Studies show that tethered dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite.  The Anti-tethering ordinance will ensure pets are treated humanely and our children play safer,* added Dr. Pizano.  Animal Services is working with volunteers and trainers to educate the community about anti-tethering and proving useful resources for a smooth transition.

Effective April 2009, it will be unlawful to tether (chain) your pet unless you are present.  In the event a pet is illegally tethered (chained), the pet owner will receive a warning.  Failure to take corrective action will result in a civil penalty for cruelty of $100 and a $500 civil penalty for additional offenses.

A complete copy of Chapter V can be obtained in the Animal Services website

Miami-Dade Animal Services is responsible for enforcing Chapter V, as well as Florida Statutes 828, which deals primarily with animal cruelty issues.  Unlike private shelters that have limitations on the number of pets they accept, Animal Services accepts all dogs and cats. Each year, the shelter impounds more than 34,000 pets.  The goal at Animal Services is to reunite lost pets with their families or find life-long homes for as many animals as possible.  Related links:  or call 311.
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