We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to call for a public inquiry into the death of former Leeds medical student Amir Mahmood, who jumped from the 10th floor of the Worsley building and died of multiple injuries on Saturday 9th June, soon after being withdrawn on Friday 8 June 2007
The petitioner is writing in support of a public inquiry and review into processes and procedures, and full transparency into staff conduct, and accountability. Amir was a bright and intelligent boy. He achieved very high results in his GCSEs, with four A and five A* grades. He also performed very well in his A-Levels achieving A grades in Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Working as a doctor had been a life-long ambition of Amirs, and he always worked very hard to achieve this goal. As well as being highly intelligent, Amir was a very sociable, happy and personable boy. He had the natural ability to socialise with all sections of community.
Amir was accepted into the School of Medicine at Leeds University to study medicine in October 2001, and made many friends in Leeds. Academically, Amir achieved several distinctions, and thus progressed into his final year where he passed his final exam. He received a glowing testimonial by the Medical director at Blackpool Victoria Hospital during his First Year foundation (FY1) consolidation training placement which he started in May 2007, which in itself is a difficult achievement.
During his time at Leeds, it seems he was the victim of a sustained form of witchunt. It seems that he was effectively black balled, and was tragically oblivious to the extent of the machinations against him. His attendance assessment seemed lax and flawed, as his record was initially either exaggerated or misstated, and this snowballed into a negative record, which was repeatedly resurrected against him throughout his years and became a determining black mark against him. There seemed to be no obvious recourse to counselling/support throughout - and he clearly felt he had no power to challenge any decisions, and whenever he tried to correct a mistaken assumption/point - he was brow beaten into submission. He clearly felt that his only option was to accept the criticism levelled against him and promise he will do better. Amir was also read a draft withdrawl letter without a supporter the day before he died, and it was not made clear that he had achieved an automatic life sciences degree after the 3rd completed year.
He mentioned stress several times in communications yet no action was taken, Amir was actually assessed early on like all other medical students, and later completed a detailed My Stress document concluding Severe Stress. The assessment was not followed up, and the issuance of such a document is being brought into question.
Towards the end, he appears to be drawn into an appalling double game in the final months/weeks - with a campaign to withdraw him while on the surface, hope is offered by allowing him to sit the final exam. A member of staff sent alerts for consultants to keep an eye on him, coincidently Amir innocently requests the same to avoid being mothballed unnecessarily, not realising that another game was in play, after having passed the same placements the year before. As Amir was repeating the year, his own year friends will have qualified, it seems no one considered how isolated or sensitive he may have felt. The family received no news of the death directly after the incident eventhough staff saw fit to contact the last doctor to see him. This is simply inhuman.
Nonetheless, as a courtesy, the family invited staff to attend the funeral of Amir not realising the history at the time, and were shocked, and visibly upset to see a member of staff smiling throughout, under the guise of displaying a human face, there can surely be no justification for this.
The petitioner is of the strong view that Amir was a victim of corporate manslaughter - when there is such a level of cruelty, and such a degree of negligence by qualified health care professionals in their duty of care.
The full details of the sham can be found at http://medstudent.nfshost.com/
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to call for a public inquiry into the death of former Leeds medical student Amir Mahmood, who jumped from the 10th floor of the Leeds university library building and died of multiple injuries on Saturday 9th June, soon after being withdrawn from Leeds university on 8 June 2007
The petitioner is writing in support of a public inquiry and review into processes and procedures, and full transparency into staff conduct, and accountability. Amir was a bright and intelligent boy. He achieved very high results in his GCSEs, with four A and five A* grades. He also performed very well in his A-Levels achieving A grades in Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Working as a doctor had been a life-long ambition of Amirs, and he always worked very hard to achieve this goal. As well as being highly intelligent, Amir was a very sociable, happy and personable boy. He had the natural ability to socialise with all sections of community.
Amir was accepted into the School of Medicine at Leeds University to study medicine in October 2001. Amir made many friends in Leeds. Academically, Amir achieved several distinctions, and thus progressed into his final year where he passed his final exam. He received a glowing testimonial by the Medical director at Blackpool Victoria Hospital during his First Year foundation (FY1) placement which he started on in May 2007, which is in itself a difficult achievement.
During his time at Leeds, it seems he was the victim of a sustained form of witchunt. It seems that he was effectively black balled, and was tragically oblivious to the extent of the machinations against him. His attendance assessment seemed lax and flawed to the point of incompetency, because his record was initially either exaggerated or misstated, and this snowballed into a negative record, which was repeatedly resurrected against him throughout his years and became a determining black mark against him. There seemed to be no obvious recourse to counselling/support throughout - and he clearly felt he had no power to challenge any decisions, and whenever he tried to correct a mistaken assumption/point - he was brow beaten into submission. He clearly felt that his only option was to accept the criticism levelled against him and promise he will do better. Amir was also read a draft withdrawl letter without a supporter the day before he died - it seems certain that this will not have registered fully with Amir, as he would have been in a state of shock.
He mentioned stress several times in communications yet no action was taken, he suffered sustained and systematic unfair pressure - exacerbated by being made to feel on 'probation' for most of his time. Amir was actually assessed early on, and later completed a detailed My Stress document concluding Severe Stress. The assessment was not followed up, and the issuance of such a document is being brought into question.
It seems his personal tutor was heavy handed, and aggressive and was
clearly an inappropriate person to take on any pastoral role in Amirs case. Towards the end, despite whatever personal misgivings he may have had about his motives - he seems to trust him and feels that this person will determine his destiny. He is then drawn into an appalling double game in the final months/weeks - with a campaign to withdraw him while on the surface, hope is offered - there can be no justification for allowing him to sit the final exam. A member of staff sent alerts for consultants to keep an eye on him, coincidently Amir innocently requests the same to avoid being mothballed unnecessarily, not realising that another game was in play, it seems evident that the two who failed him on his placements were fulfilling this function, after having passed the same placements the year before. As Amir was repeating the year, his own year friends will have qualified, it seems no one considered how isolated or sensitive he may have felt. The family received no news of the death directly after the incident eventhough staff saw fit to contact the last doctor to see him. This is simply inhuman.
Nonetheless, as a courtesy, the family invited staff to attend the funeral of Amir not realising the history at the time, and were shocked, and visibly upset to see a member of staff smiling throughout, under the guise of displaying a human face, there can surely be no justification for this.
The petitioner is of the strong view that Amir was unlawfully killed - when there is such a level of cruelty, and such a degree of negligence by qualified health care professionals in their duty of care.
The full details of the sham can be found at http://www.leedsmedicalschool.com/
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