IBAMA: We DEMAND explanations for allowing primates's transportation for vivissection and animal exp

BUAV has just revealed that TAM, a brazilian air company and its subsidiary, TAM Cargo, have fled 11 primates from Brazil to the United States, to be subjected to animal experimentation and ABUSE in The University of Nebraska:
As a matter of fact, we brazilians entirely ignore if this has not been happening for some time now.
On TAM Cargo's site we found out that an "authorization" must have been given by IBAMA. The worse part of this is: IBAMA allegedly is responsible for the preservation of our wild species.
We DESERVE explanations:
- How can possibly IBAMA justify the license?- What "criteria" were observed?- With which purpose were these animals "sold", by whom, and why was the license for the flight granted?- What kind of preposterous and senselless "research" is envolved, to which you provided the victims?- Who has given the license?- At whose request?
We would also like to know, by the way, what destiny was given to the 1200 birds aprehended in Brazil, after being smuggled and trafficked from Peru?I wish the world to know that the men responsible for this animal traffic were immediately released and set in liberty.And what aboput the birds that were captured after having being trafficked from Venbezuela last year?In both cases Ibama announced that they would not be returned  to their home-countries and were supposed to be killed.
What kind of wildlife protection criteria does IBAMA seem to obbey?
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