Help us put this brazilian animal killer in jail

A woman, owner of a big farm on the region known as Pantanal (Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil) was reported to the local police for selling "touristic packages" on her farm, which included the brutal killing of wild animals, all of them listed on the brazilian protection species act.The author of the report was a foreigner, that had a video where the group and this person, called Beatriz Rondon, intentionally shot two on%uFFFDas-pintadas (our local jaguar with black spots) that were quietly resting on the property on a tree.The police let her go free, even after finding of several dead  bodies of protected animals on her property and the guns and rifles used for the "touriistc" shooting of her regular clientes, to which she also offered bed and meals.Is is said they paid 40 thousand dollars for the illegal "right" to kill each of these animals.This was posted on our local papers and exhibited on our biggest TV channel:
Our main question is: why hasn't this woman been arrested? You will see she smiles when she refers to the brutal way the animals were killed.This "lady" got benefits, for years now, from WWF to her alledged "preservacionist efforts" on the region .While remaining free, she will probably keep  "selling her services" for the shooting and killing of many other animals in the region.There is certainly something very WRONG going on here, in Mato Grosso do Sul, where big farmers still constitute the major force on the region, stronger even that the official representatives of our law enforcemente dispositions.This CANNOT go unpunished. Please help us bring justice to our wildlife.NOBODY here even SEEMS to care.
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