16-year-old boy beaten and tortured in the Danish healthcare system!

Abdul's unfortunate story begins in the late 1996 during a visit to the Hospital due to complaints of a minor back pain, the irresponsible doctor responded by giving Abdul antipsychotic medication (Zyprexa) Abdul obviously reacted strongly to this medication as he was not in need of it and could not tolerate it, but doctors condescendingly submitted this very young boy to a psychiatric Hospital where he was held hostage for several years. Abduls family was told one thing and Abdul something else, this kept the family in tremendous confusion until the gruesome reality revealed itself,


In 2001, psychiatrists managed to get a treatment ruling whereby Abdul can be given drugs against his will, and eleven days later they convinced the Ministry of Justice to issue a so-called hazard decree indefinitely, following an incident where Abdul was framed and accused after being coerced.

Abdul has never threatened or caused any harm to another human being, nor his own life in the free Danish society. He was a smart and happy boy full of faith and hopes for the future.

For 10 years Abdul has now been restrained and forcefully drugged with a vast variety of different psychotropic drugs. Today he cannot walk, can barely speak, his whole body is shaking, and his teeth are destroyed. The family has fought a desperate battle to get Abdul out without succeeding. Abdul has being denied his right to get visitors, since 2001. 

Many have seen the psychiatric-system, and for them, it started very innocent, when a person accepts their help believing that psychiatry will help them, until he or she are stunned by the detention and powerlessness. That is the way Abdul got into the system, which have turned his brain into a chemical laboratory, and denied him all his rights as a human being. 

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture " has objected to the treatment of Abdul in 2002 and in 2008, but Abdul is still restrained and he is in detention indefinitely".

Please help us save this young man's life before it is too late. 
Anyone can make a difference. Support Abdulle with your signature! 

We the undersigned hereby show our protest against the deprivation of liberty and the isolation of Abdul Ahmed from his family, as involuntary or compulsory institutionalization. Simultaneous we appeal for the respective Agencies to review Ahmed Abduls case and comply with his desire to be reunited with his family.

Dear Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Justice
We ask the respective ministers and ministry to respond to our initiative to get Abdul released from the psychiatric prison in Nykobing Sjaelland better known as highly secured ward. 

Abdul has been deprived of liberty since 1999 under three governments as well as under the current government's two periods. Detention began in Aalborg(Danmark), where Abdul and the family were residing. 

During the period where Abdul has been medicated wrongly several Health MInisters has been in office, including our current Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen which was one of them.

There is no one in recent history who have suffered so terribly and inhuman torture in Scandinavian, such as our dear Abdul has been in Denmark.

Under Frank Jensen, Lene Espersen's and the current Minister for Ministry of Justice Brian Mikkelsen, our dear Abdul was in custody, face soon one experiment, and soon the other, all under the constant and uninterrupted around the clock restraintment!

Mr. Health MInister, Jakob Axel Nielsen, you are even educated as a lawyer, and even from Aalborg, where the entire case against Abdul was built up.

Now that Abdul's CASE are known by the public, it appears that doctors have persuaded you to propose a special law which makes it legal to continue the mistreatment and torture of Abdul.

Abdul came originally from Somalia, he came to Denmark in 1992 with his family from the civilwar in Somalia. The family seeked haven as refugeese in Denmark, to live in peace and freedom. Not to be tortured.

The family requires:
1) That the hazard decree lifted in an emergency!
2) That Abdul is transferred to his family, which will help him with the proper treatment and adequate care.
3) That all help from professional physicians with a decent humanity and empathy are welcome to help the family with any necessary treatment / de-escalation.

The explanation that Abdul is dangerous towards the Danish society since 2001, although he never has committed crime rather not done any harm to others, is simply false. A sustained forgery which is designed to justify the inhuman experiment that is performed on our dear Abdul, experiments that can be assimilated to the medical experiments exposed to rats, with the sinister difference that rats have a voice in the form of people who protest against this experiment on them. Abdul did not have such voice until now.


Alternative, must be that Abdul is completely surrendered back to his family whom will assist him back to his origins in East Africa, where part of his family resides. 




The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Insanity defense "must be abolished" (see Article 47)

And that the "Convention radically departs " from the UN resolution ...on treatment of "mental patients" (see Article 48)

That all mental health laws using the pretex "as the likelihood of them posing a danger to themselves or others" "must be abolished" (see Article 49)

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