Free Nature! Clear Jon Sloans name!

When did it become our Governments job to arrest the American people for no reason at all?

If you didnt think this was an important question to ask, you better keep reading...

Jonathan Sloan the owner of Bouncing Bear Botanicles now has eight charges against him for the selling of plants, and one of them you can even find at your local Home Depot..

Could you have ever imagined that now even a "jug" is a possible offence?

Here is one of Jon's charges-

%u2022 Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters used or intended for unlawful use to manufacture, cultivate, plant propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance.

Thats right... a JUG....

You might think this is a joke, but I assure you its not....

Will I be finding my dear old neighbor Charlotte whos 95 aressted next year because shes in the garden planting her favorite Morning Glorys?

Marijuana seems to be almost legal AGAIN but now a cactus you can find on your own; maybe even in your back yard is jail time?

Lets open our eyes before we become the next revolutionary sheep..

We need to fight for our rights!

Ask yourself this, who do you know that died from botanicles, and who do you know who died in a drunk driving accident or a pharmaceutical drug overdose...... The answer is simple, get the real drugs off the streets and stop wasting our money when the kids of america are becoming less educated and a water crises might be our next major issue...

Vote now to give Jon and his family your support and let our Justice system know your paying attention!

More information on Jon's story-

Please watch Trailer "Fall of the Republic" In accordence to above petition.
 -Pay attention to trailer at Two Minutes and 35 Seconds you will find some frightning signs of things already to come, Jon seems to be one of the rising put forth as an example... Sad but more importantly dont let it be your family member next.

Other related news-  (PLEASE WATCH!)
Both available on NetFlix!

Awesome movie to watch (Dont need NetFlix)
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