Diane Fleming is a truly wonderful woman and should NOT be in prison. She is absolutely not guilty of the crime she is imprisoned for. She is the mother of two wonderful sons and a terrific daughter. She was an ideal wife, mother and member of her community and there are a large number of people who not only have known her for decades but will testify as to her character. She does not need to be in prison in Virginia and and never should have been charged in the first place. It all comes down to a lame attorney at trial. It will kill you every time. Worse than fatal cancer. There is a more detailed but short synopsis of her case at the following address if you would please look at it>>>  Please past the address to your address bar. I think you will find it very interesting. Then you will understand why there are so many who believe in her innocence and want her out of prison. Virginia is not known for its Fair Trials. It is quite the punitive-minded state.
I thank each of you for your support!!!!! I truly do.
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