RIGHT NOW... WE HIP HOP KULTURE respectfully request every Hiphoppa and ALL CONCERNED CITIZENS to review this document at (www.templeofhiphop.org) and SIGN our petition to endorse HIP HOP'S 18 principles of Peace! RIGHT NOW advocate against privatization and corporate greed and the selfish exploitation of Hip Hop's intellectual properties.

Peace and much love.

ARE YOU HIP HOP? Do you see the value of preserving Hiphop's culture? Have you ever invested in any of its billion dollar industries? Furthermore, are you concerned with how Hiphop will be documented in world history? Right now, Hiphoppas around the world are working to change the way governments, businesses, security organizations, media, religious, educational and civic organizations and institutions view Hiphop; as consciousness, culture, elements and expression. However, everyone does not see the vision of a unified, self governed and prosperous Hiphop Kulture. Most people can only understand and accept Hiphop as rap music. Some people prefer to only use the elements of Hiphop to satisfy their own self interest.

As prescribed by the HIP HOP DECLARATION OF PEACE, certain times during the year have become a time to reflect upon our roles as citizens of the International Hip Hop community. If HIP HOP is to survive WE MUST recommit ourselves to Hip Hop's core principles of peace, love, unity and safely having fun! May 3rd is Rap Music Day. Hiphoppas are encouraged to dedicate their own time and talent to self-development and for service to their communities. Every third week in May is Hiphop Appreciation Week. During this time, Hiphoppas are encouraged to honor their ancestors, reflect upon their cultural contributions and appreciate the elements and principles of Hiphop Kulture.

Every November is HIP HOP HISTORY MONTH. During this time Hiphoppas are encouraged to participate in the creating, learning and honoring of Hiphop's history and historical cultural contributors. Hiphoppas have set aside these times to assess the progress of the %u2018conscious' Hip Hop movement as well as one's own role within such a movement. May 16th 2001, during HIP HOP Apprecieation Week (every third week in May), The HIP HOP Declaration of Peace was established and presented at the United Nations by HIP HOP Pioneers, Founders, Teachas, Educators, Clergy, Activists and Kultural Specialists.

This Hiphop Declaration of Peace guides Hiphop Kulture toward freedom from violence, and establishes advice and protection for the existence and development of the international Hiphop community. Through the principles of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace we, Hiphop Kulture, establish a foundation of Health, Love, Awareness, Wealth, peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their children's children, forever. For the clarification of Hiphop's meaning and purpose, or when the intention of Hiphop is questioned, or when disputes between parties arise concerning Hiphop; Hiphoppas shall have access to the advice of this document, The Hiphop Declaration of Peace, as guidance, advice and protection.

RIGHT NOW... WE HIP HOP KULTURE respectfully request every Hiphoppa and ALL CONCERNED CITIZENS to review this document at (www.templeofhiphop.org) and SIGN our petition to endorse HIP HOP'S 18 principles of Peace! RIGHT NOW advocate against privatization and corporate greed and the selfish exploitation of Hip Hop's intellectual properties. Such greed and exploitation is the root cause of why "rap music" looks and sounds the way it does right now. RIGHT NOW YOU can make a difference and JOIN the conscious, responsible Hiphop community. Together, we must not allow those who think and see Hiphop only as "rap music" to continue to demean and reduce our culture to products and the artistic equivalancy of poison, sex, violence and materialism. We sincerley thank you in advance for your time, interest, support and ACTION!
For more information email IAMHIPHOP1970@YAHOO.COM AND REMEMBER, we are not just doing Hiphop; WE ARE HIP HOP!

There it is.

Global Advocate
Temple Of Hiphop
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