Federal: Demand Truth in Labeling 4Support the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act
H.R. 891 Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act
Sponsor(s): Rep. James Moran (D-VA)
ASPCA Position: Support
Action Needed: Send a letter to your U.S. representative asking for support and co-sponsorship of the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act.
The Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act, H.R. 891, is important legislation that will protect American consumer right to know exactly what they are buying.
If passed, the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act would:
- Prohibit the sale of any apparel containing fur from raccoon dogs, members of the dog family native to China killed in large numbers for their fur. The definition of dog in current U.S. law, which already bans the sale of cat and dog fur, will be expanded to include raccoon dogs.
- Require that all apparel containing any quantity of fur is accurately labeled, regardless of the furs monetary value.
Current law requires that fur garments be labeled with the name of the species used, the manufacturer and country of origin. However, there is a big loophole in the labeling law products containing small quantities or values of fur can be made and sold without accurate labels. The Federal Trade Commission defines an item as having a small value or quantity of fur%u201D if the fur on that item is worth no more than $150. This unreasonably high figure allows products such as coats, sweaters, vests and accessories with fur trim to be sold without truthful labeling. Consumers may unknowingly purchase these products, believing the fur to be faux since it is not labeled.
In order to make informed purchases, consumers must know what they are buying! The Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act would protect this right, and also ban completely the sale of fur from raccoon dogs.
Contact your representative now and urge him or her to support and cosponsor H.R. 891!
Your letter will be sent to:
Please Support and Cosponsor the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act
Dear [Decision Maker],
As a concerned constituent, I am writing to urge you to support and cosponsor the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act, H.R. 891. This important legislation would prohibit the sale of any apparel containing fur from raccoon dogs, members of the dog family killed in large numbers in China. It would also require the accurate labeling of all apparel containing fur, regardless of the monetary value of the fur.
Current law requires that fur garments be labeled with the name of the species used, manufacturer, country of origin and other information. However, there is a loophole in the labeling law: Products containing small quantities or values of fur can be sold without being labeled. The Federal Trade Commission defines "a small value or quantity of fur" as fur that is worth no more than $150. This unreasonably high figure allows products such as coats, sweaters, vests and accessories with fur trim to be sold without adequately informing end consumers what they are buying. The value of the fur used in a particular product should not be a factor in regulating this industry. Consumers who may have ethical objections or allergies to fur cannot make informed purchasing choices unless all fur products are properly labeled.
The Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act will protect our right to know what we are buying. Therefore, I respectfully urge you to support and cosponsor H.R. 891.
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